GymNext Flex Timer Mounting Brackets (Set of 4)
GymNext Flex Timer Mounting Brackets (Set of 4)
Our brand new mounting brackets for the Gym or Home Edition Flex Timer. Each mounting bracket kit comes with four reinforced mounting brackets - two for the top and two for the bottom.
These brackets make mounting your Flex Timer a breeze.
What's to say. The brackets worked as expected and made it easy to mount our GymNext timer to the wall.
This timer is amazing. Bright and easy to use.
We’ve used boxing timers and the rogue echo timers in the past. The gym next timer is awesome
I needed the mounting brackets for my home gym Flex timer. These worked great. they will not work for mounting from above but are for flush mounts.
Love it. It does everything I need!
skip the extra trip to the hardware store or cheap amazon purchase. get these, put your timer(s) up, and go on with your day confident that you never really have to worry about it.